eBay gives everybody the opportunity to make money from the comfort of their own home or a way to expand your existing business. There are many ways you can make money there. Buying products wholesale and selling them on for a profit, is the age old tested method of making money. It works offline and it works online but what if you haven't got the space to stock products or the upfront capital to buy in bulk? Can you still make money on eBay? Of course you can, one of those ways is to sell other peoples stuff, this is called a Trading Assistant. Although you may love to sell on eBay, many people don't . Some people don't have the time to sell, some people are to scared of the world wide web and some people are just plain lazy. There is where you can make a tidy profit with little upfront capital, selling people's upfront items. The great thing about this method is that you probably have family members that would love to earn some extra money selling their stuff sitting in the garage or in the attic, they just need to sell it. That is where you come in.
You can set this up with just an ordinary eBay account which is great if you're just starting out and going to sell some of your families items first or if you already have gained experience selling on eBay you can join the eBay Trading assitant programme.
How this works: You list other people's items on eBay and deal with the post an packaging and paying the selling fee's. You then get a percentage of the profit which is agreed with the owner before selling. Your postage and packages costs will be covered as you will set the postage and packaging costs in the listing. You can always offer pick up.
What you'll need to set this up.
A eBay account
A good Digital Camera
A set of scales to calculate postage costs ( Optional )
Postage and Packaging Materials - You can get boxes for free from your local shops. One great packing item I use is couriers Pallet Shrink Wrap
. This is great stuff to keep your boxes more secure and to minimize damage in transit. It also looks very professional.
Some Pens and Paper.
Business cards - As you get bigger you can expand by offering business cards.
A printer to print sales.
This is great way to earn an extra income you can decide whether you want to work part time or expand. The great thing with this is you do not need to buy upfront stock for thousands of dollars that could maybe never sell. Minimal storage needed (You could always let the owners store the item and you only collect when its sold).
To learn more on this method and to maximise your profits then read The Ultimate guide to becoming a eBay trading assistant
Once a apon a time there was a way to make a lot of money on ebay, very easily, very, very easily! I myself found this method too late, to take the full advantage of this easy money. I was sure though, that there must be a way this method could still make a lot of money and the more I delved the more I found how powerful eBay is and the different avenues you can take once you're an established ebayer. So you probably want to know this business module that was making people 6 figure earnings, pre 2008.
With the internet came a whole host of new digital merchandise. Mp3,software, websites, hosting, website templates, the list goes on but one of the greatest things to come from this new wave of digital products was eBooks. eBooks are a digital book that you can read on you computer usually through Adobe, which is free. So if someone bought an ebook online, because Adobe reader was free and already on most people computers they could read them instantly. No need to buy something or download various things to make eBook work. The great thing about eBooks was that a buyer could receive them instantly via their email address or encrypted download link.
Ebooks evolved over the years and authors realised the power of giving resale rights to their eBooks. Not to sure what "resale rights means"? Well, when you buy an eBook you do not have the right to sell it unless it has resale rights, if it does then you can sell it for whatever price you want.
Now eBooks are digital products so you can copy them on your normal PC or Laptop (if the ebook has Resale Rights) so if you sell it you have a copy of it still. Are you getting the picture now? If you have an ebook with Resale rights you can sell it over and over and over and over and over again and remeber what I said? The buyers can receive them instantly via email.
This made them a massive hit on eBay as savy sellers in the know, were buying up eBooks with resale rights and selling them, then buying more with the their profits and obviously selling the ones they already had again. This method could be started with just one ebook. You sell that 1st one for what you paid for it, still have a copy, buy another eBook with your profit and then you have 2 and it then just repeats itself over and over again. Heck you can even buy 20,000 ebooks with sale rights for just under $30! Now, that will get you going.
Imagine if you just sold them for $1 each, or sold bundles of 10 for $2 each or just kept selling the whole bundle for the $29.95 you paid them over and over again? Can you see how powerful this is?
If you still don't know how this could make a lot of money on eBay then I'll try and make it a little clearer. As these could be sent and delivered in an email, there were no postage and packaging costs! And thanks to websites such Aweber the whole of your sales process could be automated and upsell and down sell could be intergrated. You didnt have to do a thing other than set it up.
I have seen many people make 6 figures from this method in under a year because of the numbers game you can take advantage of on eBay.
Unfortunately eBay put a stop to this in 2008 (temporarily) by putting new rules in regarding digital products. The new policy ment that digital prodcuts had to become a physical products, this just meant you had to copy them on to a CDR and post it in the mail.
The method still works but you now have some postage and packing costs and the cost the CDR's.
Because of this method my eyes were opened to how much you can really make from eBay, no longer is it somewhere you just sell your secondhand items.
The great thing with eBay is that it does all the hard work for you in terms marketing and attracting buying visitors to the site,(somwthing that is difficult if you own your own website) making your job easier. The other great thing with this method is that it utelises the power of ecommerce. Remember this can be automated, meaning you can get on with what you love to do, rather than conventional eBay selling meaning you're still dealing with the sale long after you've sold the item.
Now this is a great way to start making money on eBay, with very little outlay and something very manageble from your own home. If you took this to the next level and sold them on your own website, the original money making method comes back in to play as ecommerce doesn't make you turn your digital products in to physical ones, so the automation of the method is reapplied.